Cool Brews with B.A.

BAs Cool BrewsCool Brews with B.A.

Ahh, coffee! I am not sure if I am into the actual taste of coffee or if I am just in to the ceremony of it all.  The standing around waiting for it to brew. Getting my cup prepared;  rationing out my sugar, getting the cream out and in the winter, so my brew doesn’t turn ice cold when it is poured, I will warm my cup up.  Then, there’s that moment of the pouring from the pot to the cup. That sound, with all of its anticipation, coupled along with the steam rising and the savory aroma, mmmm. What a divine moment.  It does it’s very best to beckon me to come to and join the day.


Readying my personal brew, I mix in just the right amount of cream with my sugar. (For those of you overachievers that drink it straight up black, congratulations, just roll with it. ) The clink, clink of the spoon against the cup, rings out like a clear Tibetan bell.  Then, with the warm cup between my hands, I breathe in deep that aroma that says, “wake yo sorry butt up woman, we got things to do!!” But somewhere inside me, some lazy lady is screaming, “but I don’t wanna wake up!” I take the first sip and something magical happens, I am transported to reality. Having coffee with All Things BA Art

The here. The now. It does suck, that moment but somehow, coffee just makes it bearable.

 Myself, I am a fan of the slow roll.

That means; while I am getting said brew ready and consuming it, there is no talking and no, zero, decision making!  I will usually take my cup out to the porch and watch nature handle its business, before I take a gander at mine.  Refusing to be in a rush in the morning, I have implemented a “no dealing with humans until the noon hour” rule. I set that in place as a new year’s resolution and I will admit, have failed horribly at it this year. EGADS… OH well, one more thing to strive for in 2020.


Cool brews with All Things BA Art

Cool Brews with B.A., you might be wondering, why is she rambling on about this?  Thank you, I did get off course.

You won’t get the above “feels” at Starbucks.  I have a ban on ol’ 5 bucks. Not because of their political views, their ideas about guns or any one of the many negative media stories they have going on.  I mean, I could have a ban on them for all of that but my ban is motivated by my bank account.  I mean, seriously, it is beyond outrageous what they charge for a coffee drink.

“Ok B.A. , they don’t charge 5 bucks for a straight up cup of brew , just their specialty drinks.” Well you make a good point my friend! However, how many folks go in there for just a brew? I never did.  That fact my friends, has led me to the motivation fueling this blog.

Cool Brews with B.A.;

For some time now, I have been messing around with spices in my morning brew and I feel I have come up with some good ones.  I have turned the neighbors on to a few of these and they dig them. So… I thought I would take the time to list them here.  Cool Brews with B.A.

  • Cinnamon Brew ~ My first experiment wasn’t a giant jump in inventiveness. Cinnamon adds a nice hit.
  • Coco Chili powder with Cinnamon Brew ~ Ohhh, warm my insides please.  Nice touch and great for the winter. Now don’t go crazy with that coco/chili powder, just a sprinkle gives a good hint of curiosity.
  • Cardamom Brew ~ OMG, one of my all-time faves and I make it just about every day.  I love that Cardamom kick.
  • Roasted Cardamom Brew ~ Well, the Gremlins are up to mischief at the House of Harmonies and they hid my Cardamom from me. Little devils, messing with my mornings like that!! However, this may have turned out to be a good thing, as it led me to my Roasted Cardamom spice jar. OH MY GOSH…. If I thought the first was great, this is awesome.  Thank you Gremlins!!
  • Candied Ginger Brew~ Cut up pieces of candied ginger and put them in your cup before you pour.  Not a lot, as a little will give you a great hit.  I like to make this one in the winter because it has a killer warming effect. It is not a coffee pairing for every day but I do like it every now and then.

Coffee with All Things BA ArtSo there you have it.  B.A.’s ideas on cool brews. Do you have a favorite?  Drop me a line in the comments; I would love to hear about it.

Thanks for taking the time to check out Cool Brews with B.A.,

If you liked these ideas, you may check out my other recipes on my blog; COOKING ON THE FLY WITH BA.  My recipes are super simple and really deliver in taste. Also, please take a min to peruse my STOREFRONT. I’m actually an artist, who loves cooking.

Finally, I would love to see you on my FB PAGE.  Feel free to reach out and join me there.

Have a splendid day in the kitchen,

Peace, Love & Rocks,


2 Replies to “Cool Brews with B.A.”

  • Ahhhh, that eloquent description of the coffee ritual from beginning to end. I’m making a brew now. I can’t wait to try some of these BA speciality coffees. Like you, I adore coffee for so many reasons but you describe my favorite reason better than I ever could, “take the first sip and something magical happens, I am transported to reality.”

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