New Years Eve Ritual for 2024

New Years Eve Ritual

Another new years eve on my own. That’s the life you pick when you choose to live with a musician. I guess it bothers me a little bit, when I let myself think about it. However if I’m truthful, I probably dig it more, being alone on this night. I mean… yeah, I miss the kiss and that spark that flies in the excitement of that one moment when midnight hits and a new year begins and something magical goes down. I’m still not sure if that’s magic or expectation but whatever. Sigh. It’s thoughts like that, that lead you to creating your own majik. I’ve been sageing the house and doing a clearing/welcoming New Years Eve Ritual for that past 5 years and I can tell you, it’s always magical.



A Magical Spot to ponder

A Magical Spot to Ponder, Blog by BA at All Things BA Art
One of my many garden friends, DUDE! He is the first to greet you at The House of Harmonies.

A Magical Spot, November. 14,2014

A Magical Spot to Ponder.  Sometimes I will call them, places of zen. Those places that take us out of hectic and bring us back into balance. That safe spot to just let go and zone out!

Today’s thankful post is about finding that sweet spot. I do believe my porch is magical. It’s 37 degrees outside and if you have a front porch like mine, you can enjoy the high 60’s, maybe even the 70’s. Not gonna lie, having a house that gets full sun all year round produces a few problems to deal with. Finding a warm sunny spot to perch and let life roll on by, in winter, is not one of them. I am so freaking thankful that i have a place like this to warm my bones, relax and of course, to ponder things to be thankful for!


**** My Magical Spot is holding strong. It’s January 2024, the temps are in the teens. My safe haven is hovering up in the low 60’s.

*** The Magical Spot to Ponder is going strong in 2017.  Today’s high is 32!! Is this Georgia!! The porch pulled through and was a nice spot to sit and ponder about the last years trials and blessing. This girl is thankful. Be safe ya’all!

Thanks for taking the time to check this out.  I would love to hear about where you find balance. Drop me a line here (CONTACT)  or reach out to me on FaceBook!

Don’t forget, there is a SHOP here on this website. I have lots of great things to share with you, so please check it out! Thank you.

Peace, Love & Rocks,


A Safe Spot, The Hilarity I Call Me by BA

A Safe Spot, The Hilarity I Call Me by BA

I was going through some old stories I have written and I found this one from October 22, 2008.
I’m thinking Patrick might think it’s funny, maybe Sue too. I am known for my “This is A Safe Spot” and this is a perfect example of my unbelievable gift for hiding things, even to myself!

An unusual thing has happened at my place.

Some of you may have noticed, I spent a lot of time traveling around last September. Well, I had this friend of mine stay at the house, to look after my dog Willow.  My friend has a bit of a drinking issue and just to make sure my house didn’t burn down,  I left plenty of beer for him and I took the liberty of putting my liquor in a ” a safe place”.

Well, NOW, I can’t seem to find the safe place. What the SHUCKS? That must be some safe place! Also, my Vampire teeth are missing ( I distinctly remember putting those in a safe place too! I said, yes, this is a safe place and put them there) and my bubble bath products. Where are my bubble bath products? I mean, I left the soapy bubbly stuff out by the tub and it’s still there.  But it seems, I put my lush bubble products (the most excellent stuff ever!)  in yet another safe place. I mean, I know my house is big but seriously, how many safe places can one place have?

So, that’s it. I have no teeth, no liquor and no bubble bath.

But, it seems, I have many safe places. Well, thank god for that, I guess.

On November 29, 2008 I wrote…

hahahaha, well today I found the “safe place”.  It only took me a little over a month and let me tell you it was a damn good hiding space too. I will have to remember it for the next time I’m playing hide and go seek. Now I’m going to fix a cocktail

*** For those of you thinking the above friend was MIGHTY during his hay day, it was not. ***

I hope you enjoyed reading “A Safe Spot”. Check out my other BLOGS  or “LIKE” my FBPAGE!

If you had a little chuckle and you would like to share this with your friends, please feel free.  That’s what those social networking button are for. Put them to work! hahaha.

And I would just love it, if you would check out my SHOP. I am always working on new things to inspire light spirits and happy hearts.

Thank you so much for visiting my website,

Peace, Love and Rocks,


The MOST AMAZING thing happened when I was in Eureka Springs, AR.!

The Harris House in Eureka Springs AR.

How I met Cathy & J.D. Harris AND scored a private tour of the Harris House Eureka Springs AR.

I honestly wonder how many people leave Eureka Springs thinking, “I have just had the most AMAZING experience!” My two day whirlwind house hunting trip was a roller coaster of emotions and overwhelming considerations. Ya’all know I have commitment issues, it only took me three years to decide to date MIGHTY. lol. Oh the anguish of coming to a long term decision!! Well, this started as a quick social media post and quickly turned into a blog. Here we go, a little story about how I met Cathy, J.D. AND scored a private tour of the Harris House In Eureka Springs.

My realtor Stephanie Dubois at All Seasons took me on one whirlwind of a ride.  At first John and I had our hearts set on a magical 32 acre property, then we added a close runner up with a golf course retirement community home with a stunning view and floor layout. So off to Eureka Springs I went to meet Stephanie in person and check out some homes. Somewhere in the middle of opening doors and entering houses, she and I landed here, at the infamous Harris House in Eureka Springs, AR. Did I say house, I meant their Creative Compound!


A letter to 5 members of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court Fails Women


Dear Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett

At night when I go to bed, I give thanks for a quiet spot to lie down. A sheltered spot to sleep, with creature comforts of warmth or coolness while I sleep. Thankful that I am not starving, wondering when or where my next meal is coming from. That I am safe. I take a moment to send out love to those people living/working on the streets. Thankful that I was born and continue to live in a country that respects women and allows me the freedom to live out my hopes and dreams. I take a moment to send out love to; sisters, brothers, boys, girls and little children around the world who are sold into sex slavery, treated with less respect than an abused dog, denied creature comforts, education or any quality of life.

Supreme Court Fails Women

That didn’t happen last night. I am physically ill over your “Supreme Court” decision. I am enraged at the notion that I can’t be trusted to know what is right for my body but can fight wars for my country or give my hard earned money to the good and kind folks running this country. (Who, let’s face it, is abusing the shit out of that banking account, has zero restraint and is just abusing the system outright to meet their greed needs!)

I digress.

I remember growing up as a child hearing about women/ girls going to hack-job doctors out of desperation. Not only killing a fetus but killing / maiming women in the process. The so-called doctors, taking their money, leaving them for dead. Or women so desperate they were using coat hangers on themselves. I AM OLD ENOUGH TO REMEMBER THAT…. Shame on you, you effing out of touch with reality old goats, sitting in your supreme court ! All five of you  are definitely old enough to remember the atrocities committed during that time period. You also “should” be well aware of what is happening in the foster care “industry” and how it is fueling sex trade, that the rate of sexual assaults, incest and molestation numbers are well on the rise. WTF happened to protect the people?

Supreme Court Fails Women

To ANY woman out there in need, I am here for you. You are not alone. I love a road trip and I believe you have the right to quality care in all of your decisions. If you need help, reach out.

You, a woman, is worthy and deserves the freedom to weigh ALL options, not just the options others have “set aside or deemed correct” for you. That is called fucking freedom you ignorant, overpaid, archaic, supreme court ass hats. Women are more than incubators, more than test tubes. Women are not here for you to rape physical, spiritually, emotionally or mentally.

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” I won’t ever forget this day,EVER.

At night as I go to bed, I will take a moment to bend my energy and send karma to your doorsteps; Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. No amount of misspent (my hard earned money) government protection can protect you from “You reap what you sow.”

Stay tuned,
A woman who knows her worth and what she deserves.


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** Photo Credit to BritSync off SoundCloud

BA’s Boogeyman

BA’s Boogeyman Lives

To be exact, BA’s Boogeyman lives under her bed! It’s probably no surprise that I believe in the  boogeyman. After all, I believe in; fairies, dinosaurs, bigfoot, aliens and good customer service too! To get more to the point, I am certain the boogie man has taken up residence under my very own bed. I am never more certain about this, than the time it takes me to walk the 15 steps between the light switch to the bed, late at night. My attempt at adulting and talking myself out of this fact in those 15 steps. are completely annihilated in the last three seconds it takes my feet leave the floor and get completely on the bed!



Interview with Voyage Atlanta Magazine

B.A.’s Interview with Voyage Atlanta Magazine;

Well it has happened! My first interview ever.  When I was hit up to do an interview with Voyage Atlanta Magazine, I was kind of surprised, John always snags the interviews in this house! It turns out several people recommended me and that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Thank you so much for your support.

Interview with Voyage Atlanta MagazineThis magazine’s background is really rather amazing. The dedication and personal stories of the two individuals that founded and run this magazine, are well worth the read. I appreciate and am thankful for their hard work on helping to share the interesting stories of other local artists and business men and women.  I would hope that you would check them out too. You can nominate other folks if you like as well.

Well there is plenty to read in the interview, I won’t blather on here. Thanks for stopping by to take a look at the website and be sure to wander over to my Shop, to see what is new.  I also have been working super hard to build my YouTube Channel, it would be mighty awesome if you would subscribe to it. Have a great day.

Peace, love and Rocks, BA.


B.A.’s Greenlight Studios Acting Experience, Take 1.

Greenlight Studio Acting Experience

Greenlight Studios Acting Experience
B.A.’s is on her way to acting.


Flipping Wigs, B.A.’s Greenlight Studio Acting Experience

It might just flip a few wigs to know, I started acting classes 4 months ago. Greenlight Acting Studios is Kennesaw’s best kept secret but the word is getting out. 🎥 🎬

I wasn’t going to post anything until I landed my first real paying job but my coach gave me a standing ovation tonight, for my Meryl Streep monologue. Feeling that was pretty dang darn special and blog worthy, I got busy writing. I am not 100% certain but I may have even made people cry, BONUS!

It all started with my neighbor, Joe. He needed a new adventure and I signed up for the partner in crime “role”. You can just imagine my surprise, when he picked acting as the adventure!  I thought maybe we would plant a garden or something.🌱 However, the cosmos had other plans, for the both of us!!


The Flaming, Steamer on Our Doorsteps, 2020

A selection of hand painted artwork done on tiles
A selection of original artwork done on tiles

2020, The Flaming Steamer On Our Doorstep by B.A.

Seems just like yesterday. I was howling at the moon from my front porch, in celebration of the coming new year.  2019 was so shitty. Our whole entire year, delivered a steaming load of flaming crap at our front door, on a monthly basis. I tried my best to find the positive.  I really worked hard at learning the lessons 2019 had to bestow, so that I could manifest 2020 to be so much better.  Transitions are always so difficult.  Growing pains mostly just suck but I know they are worth it in the end. I just felt a euphoric sense about 2020. It’s going to be magical, my year. Our year!!  If we could just hold on and work our way through the crappy juju of 2019, we would reap the rewards.  2020 life would be great, maybe even relaxing.

Back to the porch and that moment.

I was ready and happy to shed the yuck of 2019. As I said, a euphoric feeling took over me that night. I felt that 2020 would be magical and that really wonderful things would happen. This is worth repeating, I had super high hopes and intentions for the coming year!  Well, if I am completely honest and don’t rewrite history; I felt that way, as I was smudging all of the rooms of the house, before I walked out on to the porch to howl in the new year.


DIY Penny Floor by B.A.

DIY Penny Floor by BA

DIY Penny Floor by BA.

The guest bathroom remodel. Aka, the penny floor. Also known as The Abe Room. Or better known as, my own personal hell. Last but not least, universally known as, the project that went on forever.

The Start, no looking back now!

Well, I wished I had taken photos of the crappy bathroom before I started the make over.  First step, pull trim out and strip the wallpaper. Second, scrape and sand popcorn ceiling. (ugh) Step three, pull out the toilet. Fourth step, apply plaster to walls.  While that’s drying I took the opportunity to paint the toilet a copper color.  Things are moving along rather well and problem free.  The plaster was dry after two days and so the painting began.  I put on about five coats of paint.  The plaster really sucked it up but I’m very happy with the outcome.  The walls have a leather look to them.

Now…. Now it’s time to tackle the penny floor.

